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时间:2017年6月9日 (周五)
Friday, June 9th, 2017

The Museum of
Global Finance
No.5 East Gate of
Sun Park, Beijing

Chinese President Xi Jinping officially proposed “The Belt and Road Initiative” at the 2017 Davos World Economic Forum. Starting from June 2017, the Museum of Global Finance is going to organize “The Belt & Road International Talkfest” on a regular basis, inviting international leaders from relevant fields to delivery speeches and have dialogues.
This is an invitation only event that is free of charge and conducted in English (no translation provided). Main participants will include leaders of Beijing based global financial institutions, foreign embassy officials, international entrepreneurs and scolders. Approximately 100 guests per event.


詹姆斯·纽瑟姆 博士
Dr. James E. NEWSOME
美国商品期货交易委员会 前主席
Former Chairman of the U.S.
Commodity Futures
Trading Commission (CFTC)
1998年,经克林顿总统提名参议院通过,纽瑟姆博士成为美国商品期货交易委员会 (CFTC) 委员。2000年,布什总统当选时,纽瑟姆被提名并任命为CFTC主席。2004年,纽瑟姆离开联邦政府,担任纽约商品交易所 (NYMEX) 的总裁兼首席执行官。 他领导NYMEX首次公开募股 (IPO) , 直接主导了NYMEX与芝加哥交易所集团 (CME) 的合并,世界上最大的期货市场由此诞生。目前,纽瑟姆博士担任多家全球公司董事,也拥有自己的顾问公司。
Dr. Newsome was nominated by President Clinton and confirmed by the Senate to be a Commissioner of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) in 1998. When President Bush was elected in 2000, Newsome was nominated and confirmed as Chairman of the CFTC. In 2004, Newsome left Federal service to assume the role of President and Chief Executive Officer of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). He led the NYMEX initial public offering (IPO), and merged NYMEX with the CME Group to create the world’s largest futures marketplace. At present, Dr. Newsome is serving on the board of directors of a number of global corporations while running his own consultancy firm.

王巍 博士
Dr. WANG Wei
Chairman of Chinese Museum of Finance
Chairman of Asia M&A Association
Dr. Wang has organized and supervised IPO underwritings for over 40 Chinese companies in both domestic and overseas markets. He is an expert in innovative financial tools, corporate restructuring and industry integration. Dr. Wang serves as an economic advisor to a number of ministerial and provincial governments in China and as an independent director of several listed companies.


谢祖墀 博士
Dr. Edward TSE
谢祖墀博士是高风咨询公司创始人兼CEO,前博斯公司 (Booz & Company) 大中华区董事长、波士顿咨询公司 (The Boston Consulting Group) 中国区总裁。拥有20多年从事管理咨询和公司高层管理的经验。
Dr. Edward Tse is founder and CEO, Gao Feng Advisory Company, formerly Chairman of Greater China for Booz & Company and Managing Partner, China for The Boston Consulting Group.   With over 20 years of experience in management consulting and senior line management.

乔治·科瓦德兹 先生
乔治·科瓦德兹是国际领先的区块链基础架构提供商和交易处理公司BitFury集团的副董事长,同时也是全球区块链商业理事会 (GBBC) 的执行理事和市值60亿美金的私募股权合伙企业绿色气候基金 (GCF) 的咨询委员会成员。曾任职于纽约资本管理公司、系统金融股份公司和摩根士丹利。科瓦德兹还是欧洲青年总裁协会成员。
George Kikvadze is the Vice Chairman of The BitFury Group, the world’s leading Blockchain infrastructure provider and transaction processing company. He is also serving on the Board of Directors of Global Blockchain Business Council (GBBC) and is a member of the Advisory Committee of GCF, a $6 billion private equity partnership. Kikvadze has worked for York Capital Management, AFK Sistema and Morgan Stanley. Kikvadze is a member of the Europe One YPO Club.

The Museum of Global Finance
国际金融博物馆座落于北京朝阳公园东五门内,是由中国金融博物馆管理的,专注于国际金融领域历史人物、事件与观念演变的公益博物馆,免费向公众开放。馆内展示面积达2000平方米,定期举办不同主题的展览、讲演与金融启蒙活动。国际金融博物馆于2012年9月开业, 截至2017年4月止, 共接待参观访问者10万人次,有超过43位部级领导莅临,举办重要活动百余场。特别是曾接待荷兰、英国、德国、以色列、日本等国驻华大使,约翰·奈斯比特、赫尔南多·德·索托、索尔·辛格等国际知名学者,举办国际论坛十余场, 已成为北京地区重要的金融文化地标。
The Museum of Global Finance is situated inside No.5 East Gate of Sun Park, Chaoyang District in Beijing. Managed by the Chinese Museum of Finance (Group), this non-profit museum is admission-free and with a focus on international historical figurers and events in finance as well as the evolution of concepts. With an exhibition area of 2,000 square meters, the museum hosts regular exhibitions, talks and financial literacy activities. Since its opening in September 2012, the museum has welcomed over 100,000 visitors, including 43 minister-level officials and organized over 100 important events. Special visitors and guests include the ambassadors of the UK, Germany, the Netherlands, Israel, Japan, and many more, plus well-known international scholars such as John Naisbitt, Hernando de Soto and Saul Singer. The museum has also hosted many international forums and has become a new Cultural Landmark of Beijing.

Asia M&A Association
亚洲并购协会 (Asia M&A Association) 是由亚洲及大洋洲国家 (地区) 从事并购交易的协会机构组成的行业组织。该协会由中国并购公会、韩国并购投资协会、日本并购协会等机构于 2010 年 11 月 25 日在上海共同发起,旨在通过联合亚洲及大洋洲并购同行的力量, 建立和完善亚洲和国际并购交流合作平台, 取得共同持续发展的机会。目前有韩国、中国、日本、阿联酋、澳大利亚、印度、以色列及台湾、香港等九个国家和地区的理事成员。
Asia M&A Association (AMAA) is an industry guild established on November 25, 2010 in Shanghai by China Mergers and Acquisitions Association (CMAA), Korea M&A Investment Association, Japan M&A Association and a number of other M&A associations from Asian and Oceania countries (regions). Through the joint force of Asian and Oceania M&A professionals, the Asia M&A Association is committed to building and perfecting the platform for promoting M&A cooperation and exchanges between Asia and the rest of the world in addition to obtaining joint opportunities for achieving sustainable development. The current Committee Members are Korea, China, Japan, UAE, Australia, India, Israel, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

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