//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Paulo_Costa_Hedge.mq4 | //| Copyright ?2008, Paulo Costa Gest鉶 de Patrimonio | //| http://www.pcosta.e-prof.org | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright ?2008, Paulo Costa Gest鉶 de Patrimonio" #property link "" #include <stdlib.mqh> #include <stderror.mqh> //---- input parameters extern double Lots=1; extern double StopDistance = 30; // extern double TakeProfit = 30; // extern double StopLoss= 60; //extern bool FirstOrderIsLong = true; bool FirstOrderIsLong = true; extern int Period_MA = 20; extern int MagicNumber=999; extern bool UseHourTrade = true; extern int StartHourTrade = 6; // start trading on this hour int EndHourTrade = 18; // end trading on this hour //extern int StartHour=0; //extern int EndHour=24; int Slippage = 3; double OpenBuy=0; double OpenSell=0; double OpenBuyLimit=0; double OpenSellLimit=0; double OpenBuyStop=0; double OpenSellStop=0; double EntryPrice=0; double LastBuyStopPrice=0; double LastSellStopPrice=0; double BuyStopPrice=0; double SellStopPrice=0; double aLots[]={1,3,6,12,24,48,96,192,384,768}; //double aLots[]=(0.1, 0.3, 0.9, 2.7, 8.1, 24.3, 72.9, 218.7, 656.1, 1968.3); double MaxLots=0; double MA; // MA value on 0 bar bool Fact_Up = true; // Fact of report that price.. bool Fact_Dn = true; //..is above or below MA //Trade Signal #define _NONE 0 #define _BUY 1 #define _SELL 2 #define _CLOSEBUY 4 #define _CLOSESELL 8 #define _OPENBUYSTOP 16 #define _OPENSELLSTOP 32 #define _DELETEBUYSTOP 64 #define _DELETESELLSTOP 128 int cur_signal=_NONE; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { //---- TODO: add your code here CheckOpenPositions(); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { //---- TODO: add your code here return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert start function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int start() { double llots; double lSL; if(MaxLots==0) llots=Lots; else if(MaxLots==Lots) llots=3*Lots; else llots=MaxLots*2; lSL=(StopDistance*2); CheckSignal(); if(cur_signal & _BUY !=0) OpenOrder(OP_BUY, llots, Ask, Slippage, lSL, StopDistance, WindowExpertName(), MagicNumber, 0, Blue); if(cur_signal & _SELL !=0) OpenOrder(OP_SELL, llots, Bid, Slippage, lSL, StopDistance, WindowExpertName(), MagicNumber, 0, Red); if(cur_signal & _CLOSEBUY !=0) { CloseLongs(MagicNumber); } if(cur_signal & _CLOSESELL !=0) { CloseShorts(MagicNumber); } if(cur_signal & _DELETEBUYSTOP !=0) DeleteOpenOrder(OP_BUYSTOP); if(cur_signal & _DELETESELLSTOP !=0) DeleteOpenOrder(OP_SELLSTOP); if(cur_signal & _OPENBUYSTOP !=0) { DeleteOpenOrder(OP_BUYSTOP); if(FirstOrderIsLong) BuyStopPrice=EntryPrice; else BuyStopPrice=EntryPrice+StopDistance*Point; OpenOrder(OP_BUYSTOP, llots, BuyStopPrice, Slippage, lSL, StopDistance, WindowExpertName(), MagicNumber, 0, Blue); } if(cur_signal & _OPENSELLSTOP !=0) { DeleteOpenOrder(OP_SELLSTOP); if(FirstOrderIsLong) SellStopPrice=EntryPrice-StopDistance*Point; else SellStopPrice=EntryPrice; OpenOrder(OP_SELLSTOP, llots, SellStopPrice, Slippage, lSL, StopDistance, WindowExpertName(), MagicNumber, 0, Red); } CheckOpenPositions(); HandleOpenPositions(); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void CheckSignal() { cur_signal=_NONE; if(OpenBuy==0 && OpenSell==0) { if(OpenBuyStop>0) cur_signal |= _DELETEBUYSTOP; if(OpenSellStop>0) cur_signal |= _DELETESELLSTOP; if(cur_signal==_NONE) { // to see if it's possible to made a trade if(BlockTradingFilter1()) return(0); MA=iMA(NULL,0,Period_MA,0,MODE_SMA,PRICE_CLOSE,0); if (Bid > MA && Fact_Up == true) // Checking if price above { Fact_Dn = true; // Report about price above MA Fact_Up = false; // Don't report about price below MA //alert("Price is above MA(",Period_MA,")."); // alert FirstOrderIsLong = true; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (Bid < MA && Fact_Dn == true) // Checking if price below { Fact_Up = true; // Report about price below MA Fact_Dn = false; // Don't report about price above MA //alert("Price is below MA(",Period_MA,").");// alert FirstOrderIsLong = false; } if(FirstOrderIsLong) cur_signal |= _BUY; else cur_signal |= _SELL; EntryPrice=0; } } if(OpenBuy!=0 || OpenSell!=0) { if(OpenBuy>OpenSell && OpenSellStop==0) { cur_signal |= _OPENSELLSTOP; } if(OpenBuy<OpenSell && OpenBuyStop==0) { cur_signal |= _OPENBUYSTOP; } } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| FILTER BLOCK MODULES //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool BlockTradingFilter1() { //Original code Contributed by Wackena bool BlockTrade=false; //trade by default if (UseHourTrade) { if( !(Hour() >= StartHourTrade && Hour() <= EndHourTrade && Minute()<= 3) ) { // Comment("Non-Trading Hours!"); BlockTrade=true; } } return (BlockTrade); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Handle Open Positions | //| Check if any open positions need to be closed or modified | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int HandleOpenPositions() { int cnt; bool YesClose; double pt; for(cnt=OrdersTotal()-1;cnt>=0;cnt--) { OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if ( OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; if ( OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue; if(OrderType() == OP_BUY) { } if(OrderType() == OP_SELL) { } } return(0); } int OpenOrder(int aCmd, double aLots, double aPrice, int aSlipPage, int aStopLoss, int aTakeProfit, string aComment, int aMagic, datetime aExpiration, color aColor) { int order_ticket = 0; int err = 0; int l_Try = 0; int l_MaxTry = 10; double aPrice2=aPrice+Ask-Bid; switch (aCmd) { case OP_BUY: case OP_BUYLIMIT: case OP_BUYSTOP: for (l_Try = 0; l_Try < l_MaxTry; l_Try++) { if(aCmd==OP_BUY) { RefreshRates(); aPrice=Ask; aPrice2=Bid; } order_ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), aCmd, aLots, aPrice, aSlipPage, StopLong(aPrice, aStopLoss), TakeLong(aPrice, aTakeProfit), aComment, aMagic, aExpiration, aColor); if (order_ticket > 0) break; err = GetLastError(); if (err == 0) break; if (err == 4 || err == 137 || err == 146 || err == 136) Sleep(5000); else { Print("Error Code= ", err); break; } } break; case OP_SELL: case OP_SELLLIMIT: case OP_SELLSTOP: for (l_Try = 0; l_Try < l_MaxTry; l_Try++) { if(aCmd==OP_SELL) { RefreshRates(); aPrice=Bid; aPrice2=Ask; } order_ticket = OrderSend(Symbol(), aCmd, aLots, aPrice, aSlipPage, StopShort(aPrice2, aStopLoss), TakeShort(aPrice2, aTakeProfit), aComment, aMagic, aExpiration, aColor); if (order_ticket > 0) break; err = GetLastError(); if (err == 0) break; if (err == 4 || err == 137 || err == 146 || err == 136) Sleep(5000); else { Print("Error Code= ", err); break; } } } return (order_ticket); } double StopLong(double aPrice, int aPips) { if (aPips == 0) return (0); else return (aPrice - aPips * Point); } double StopShort(double aPrice, int aPips) { if (aPips == 0) return (0); else return (aPrice + aPips * Point); } double TakeLong(double aPrice, int aPips) { if (aPips == 0) return (0); else return (aPrice + aPips * Point); } double TakeShort(double aPrice, int aPips) { if (aPips == 0) return (0); else return (aPrice - aPips * Point); } double CheckOpenPositions(bool InclOpenOrder=true) { int cnt, total; double NumPositions; NumPositions = 0; total=OrdersTotal(); OpenBuy=0; OpenSell=0; OpenBuyLimit=0; OpenSellLimit=0; OpenBuyStop=0; OpenSellStop=0; MaxLots=0; for(cnt=OrdersTotal()-1;cnt>=0;cnt--) { OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if ( OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; if ( OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue; if(MaxLots<OrderLots()) MaxLots=OrderLots(); if(OrderType() == OP_BUY ) { OpenBuy=OpenBuy+OrderLots(); if(EntryPrice==0) EntryPrice=OrderOpenPrice(); } if(OrderType() == OP_SELL ) { OpenSell=OpenSell+OrderLots(); if(EntryPrice==0) EntryPrice=OrderOpenPrice(); } if(OrderType() == OP_BUYLIMIT ) OpenBuyLimit=OpenBuyLimit+OrderLots(); if(OrderType() == OP_SELLLIMIT ) OpenSellLimit=OpenSellLimit+OrderLots(); if(OrderType() == OP_BUYSTOP ) {OpenBuyStop=OpenBuyStop+OrderLots(); LastBuyStopPrice=OrderOpenPrice();} if(OrderType() == OP_SELLSTOP ) {OpenSellStop=OpenSellStop+OrderLots(); LastSellStopPrice=OrderOpenPrice();} } NumPositions = OpenBuy-OpenSell; if(InclOpenOrder) NumPositions += OpenBuyLimit+OpenBuyStop-OpenSellLimit-OpenSellStop; return (NumPositions); } void CloseLongs(int MagicNumber, double clots=0) { int trade, err; double llots; //Print("Close Longs:",MagicNumber,", Lots:",clots); for(trade=OrdersTotal()-1;trade>=0;trade--) { if(!OrderSelect(trade,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)) continue; if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol()) continue; if(OrderMagicNumber()!=MagicNumber) continue; if(OrderType()!=OP_BUY) continue; if (clots==0) llots=OrderLots(); else llots=clots; //Print("Ticket:",OrderTicket(),", MagicNumber:",OrderMagicNumber(),", Lots:",llots); OrderClose(OrderTicket(),llots,Bid,Slippage,Blue); err=GetLastError(); if(err!=0) Print("Error = ", err," - ",ErrorDescription(err)); }//for } void CloseShorts(int MagicNumber, double clots=0) { int trade, err; double olots; for(trade=OrdersTotal()-1;trade>=0;trade--) { if(OrderSelect(trade,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)==false) continue; if(OrderSymbol()!=Symbol()) continue; if(OrderMagicNumber()!=MagicNumber) continue; if(OrderType()!=OP_SELL) continue; olots=OrderLots(); if (clots==0) clots=olots; OrderClose(OrderTicket(),clots,Ask,Slippage,Red); err=GetLastError(); if(err!=0) Print("Error = ", err," - ",ErrorDescription(err)); }//for } int DeleteOpenOrder(int aOrderType=-1) { int cnt; bool YesClose; double pt; for(cnt=OrdersTotal()-1;cnt>=0;cnt--) { OrderSelect (cnt, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES); if(OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue; if(OrderMagicNumber() != MagicNumber) continue; if(aOrderType==OrderType()) OrderDelete(OrderTicket()); else if(aOrderType==-1) switch(OrderType()) { case OP_BUYLIMIT: case OP_SELLLIMIT: case OP_BUYSTOP: case OP_SELLSTOP: OrderDelete(OrderTicket()); break; } } return(0); } |
- 新闻EA运行效果图圈 2019-05-05
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