

核心摘要: 据芝加哥股票交易所网站消息披露,中国重庆财信集团签署了收购芝加哥股票交易所的最终协议,具体条款尚未公布。预计交易将于下半年完成,但交易需获得监管部门批准。 原文: The Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc. (CHX) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acqui

据芝加哥股票 交易所网站消息披露,中国重庆财信集团签署了收购芝加哥股票 交易所的最终协议,具体条款尚未公布。预计交易将于下半年完成,但交易需获得监管部门批准。


The Chicago Stock Exchange, Inc. (CHX) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a definitive agreement to be acquired by an investor group led by Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group (the “Casin Group”). The Board of Directors of CHX has unanimously approved the transaction, which is subject to regulatory approvals. The acquisition is expected to close in the second half of 2016. Terms of the transaction have not been disclosed.

Chicago Stock Exchange CEO and President, John Kerin, commented, “After an in-depth review of strategic alternatives for the exchange, we believe that this acquisition is the best outcome for our clients, shareholders and the trading community as a whole. With our new investment partners, we will have significant additional resources to pursue our new business initiatives, including the launch of our on-demand auction product, CHX|snap , in the spring of 2016. We look forward to having an active role in improving trading efficiency and the stock exchange’s value proposition to clients and the broader trading community.”

The Casin Group, headquartered in Chongqing, is a leading diversified holding company in China with investments in financial services, real estate and environmental services. “We are honored to partner with CHX,” Casin Group Founder and Chairman, Shengju Lu, said. “We have reviewed CHX’s plans to improve market share through new growth initiatives and fully support them. Together, we have a unique opportunity to help develop financial markets in China over the longer term and to bring exciting Chinese growth companies to U.S. investors.”

The investor group intends on preserving CHX’s current business operations and proprietary trading platform, which has demonstrated state-of-the-art capacity, speed and system reliability. Following the close of the transaction, John Kerin will continue to be the CEO and President of CHX and expects CHX’s management team to remain in place.

GCA Savvian Advisors, LLC served as financial advisor and Sidley Austin LLP served as legal advisor to CHX. Broadhaven Capital Partners served as financial advisor and Orrick, Herrington Sutcliffe LLP served as legal advisor to Casin Group on the transaction.

" 美国芝加哥股票 交易所(Chicago Stock Exchange,CHX) ,1864年至1882年间,在" 英国工业革命的推动下,美国芝加哥市的炼钢业和制造业飞速发展,很多大企业在发展中迫切需要资金。股票 经纪商在芝加哥市应运而生,他们向公众筹集资金为工业发展解决资金瓶颈,并从中获利。 1882年5月15日,这些交易商组织起来成立了一家地方性的交易所——芝加哥股票 交易所。成立时只有52张股票 和80张债券。1997年7月8日,中西部股票 交易所正式更名为芝加哥股票 交易所。

1987年5月,芝加哥股票 交易所开始交易25只NASDAQ的股票 ;

1990年6月,经过美国证券交易委员会的允许,在芝加哥股票 交易交易的NASDAQ的股票 数目增至100只,1995年8月增至500只。

1997年7月8日,中西部股票 交易所正式更名为芝加哥股票 交易所,更加突出了芝加哥是美国资本市场中心的地位。

2000年8月,13只NYSE与AMEX的股票 开始在芝加哥股票 交易交易

2005年2月,芝加哥股票 交易所由合伙制改为盈利性的公司制,新公司被命名为芝加哥交易所控股股份公司,芝加哥股票 交易所是它的全资子公司,芝加哥交易所控股公司的所有权仍属于原会员。芝加哥控股公司拥有750000股的普通股和25000股的优先股,原来的每个席位分得1000股普通股股份。现在该股票 交易价格已经达每股30" 美元以上。目前,在芝加哥股票 交易交易股票 已达4000多只。



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